the art of living, loving and working


Questionnaire  Individuals

Over the years we have developed a questionnaire that is interesting and revealing, yet quite simple to complete, as it will introduce you to our concept of the Green, Yellow and Red Zones.

It will help you to discover for yourself the strength and weaknesses of your personality and lifestyle. It will also help you to decide whether you need professional assistance to improve your quality of life.



When people choose to live in the GREENZONE they are, amongst many other things, pleasant and cheerful. They easily carry on a rational discussion with those around them and should a difference of opinion arise, they are able to enthusiastically connect with a healthy and constructive inner strength that will encourage the dialogue that helps to resolve or dissolve their conflicts – and most importantly —build bridges that span all differences.


The Yellow Zone

When in the Yellow Zone people feel Yellow distressed, and anxiety, sadness and anger too often rule their thoughts and actions. Because of their discomfort, they are unable to communicate with others properly and are poorly equipped to deal with stressful situations or interpersonal conflicts. This Zone is a slippery slope that often leads to many problems that await them when they cannot hold on and fall into the Red Zone.



The Red Zone

Those who occupy the Red Zone are extremely unhappy, emotionally exhausted, usually maintain a high state of hidden anger and are extremely distressed. They often lose control and become abusive or completely withdrawn from others, sometimes fleeing to escape — even from themselves! They have great difficulty dealing with stressful situations, unable to have a rational discussion to resolve or dissolve their interpersonal conflicts. At times they lack the will to take care of their personal appearance, overlook proper Redurishment and avoid being responsible for family members in their charge.


© 2020 Living in Your GREENZONE

Website by CREATICA  Studios